Representing the
interests of banks
operating in Slovakia

The Association’s main activity is to optimise the economic and legal environment in the area of banking by promoting the sector’s common interests toward government authorities, the public and abroad.

More about SBA

Our mission

Our mission is to present a common and unified voice of commercial banks operating in Slovakia. Through this voice we seek to shape the legal and economic framework in which banks operate and serve their customers. We represent a forum for our members, in which they can work together on creating conditions for banking. To this end we work through correct partnership relations, mutual consultations and effective dialogue with market regulators and lawmakers.

In promoting its interests toward broad, the SBA has since 1996 used its membership in the European Banking Federation and the European Payments Council. SBA has, since 2006, also been a member of the National Union of Employers.

Protecting our
members’ interests
since 1993

The Slovak Banking Association is a key association in Slovakia’s financial sector and the sole organisation representing banks’ interests


99 %of the sector


Organisational structure

The Association’s bodies fulfilling its rules and objectives are: The Members’ Assembly, the Presidium, the President and Vice-President, the Executive Director and the SBA Expert committees.


The Members’ Assembly is the supreme body of the SBA. It is attended by Association members’ statutory representatives or their appointees. Its remit includes, among others, the approval and amendment of the Statutes; determining the SBA’s strategy; the election and recall of Presidium members; deciding on the admission of new members and exclusion of members; approval of the budget, annual accounts, economic results and audit results; adoption of codes of conduct for members.


The Presidium governs the SBA’s activity and has seven members. The term of office of the Presidium is four years. The Presidium is responsible to the Members’ Assembly for its action.
The Presidium decides on all matters of the SBA. The Presidium convenes ordinary and extraordinary sessions of the Members’ Assembly; negotiates membership requests from applicants, assesses proposals for excluding members and submits them with an opinion to the Members’ Assembly; ensures and supervises the proper operation and activity of the SBA; approves internal regulations of the SBA; submits for approval to the Members’ Assembly the main tasks for the respective year, the SBA budget and economic result for the preceding period; appoints an executive director, oversees his/her activity, specifies the scope of his/her conduct for the SBA and sets him/her the main tasks; discusses and assesses comments and proposals regarding the SBA’s activity from the side of members; deals with principal issues of the SBA’s activity, establishes standing or temporary committees as advisory bodies to the SBA.

The Presidium is headed by the SBA President, who represents the Association and acts on its behalf.


Daniel Kollár, SBA President, chairman of the board of directors and CEO of ČSOB, a.s.
Peter Krutil, SBA Vice-President, chairman of the board of directors and CEO of Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s.
Michal Liday, SBA Vice-President, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Tatra banka, a.s.
Jozef Kausich, SBA Vice-President, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of VÚB, a.s.
Andrej Zaťko, Member of the SBA Presidium, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of, a.s.
Jiří Plíšek, Member of the SBA Presidium, Chairman of the Board of Directors Prvej stavebnej sporiteľne, a.s


Peter Krutil (2023)
Alexander Resch (2015 – 2023)
Igor Vida (2009 – 2015)
Regina Ovesny-Straka (2001 – 2009)
Dušan Jurčák (1999 – 2001)
Ivan Kiňo (1996 – 1999)
Alojz Ondra (1993 – 1996)


The Executive Director is appointed by the Presidium for the Presidium’s term of office and is the statutory authority of the SBA.
The Executive Director, in particular, works with the President and is governed by his instructions; upon invitation attends sessions of the Presidium, with a consultative vote; on the basis of specific written authorisation from the President represents the SBA and acts on its behalf and informs the Presidium of this activity at each of its sessions; manages the work of SBA staff and is responsible to the Presidium for their activity; performs other tasks arising from decisions of the Members’ Assembly, of the Presidium or from the instructions of the Presidium, President, or in his absence the Vice-President; upon invitation attends sessions of SBA bodies; is responsible for the economic management of the SBA financial and material resources.

SBA Executive Director till the 2025 term of office
Marcel Klimek, Executive Director of the SBA


For ensuring the activity of the SBA’s Presidium, it establishes standing and temporary SBA expert committees. The Presidium determines the scope of the committee’s activity and appoints the committee chairman and deputy chairman. The committee chairman is responsible to the Presidium for the committee’s activity. Expert committees form advisory bodies of the SBA Presidium and the SBA Executive Director.

Currently there are eleven SBA committees bringing together more than 200 experts from banking practice.

Bank Accountancy Committee
Banking Regulation Committee
Financial Market Committee
Tax Committee
Payment Cards Committee
Payments & Settlement and Payment Instruments Committee
Legal & Business Environment Committee
Human Resources Committee
Security of Banks & Financial Operations Committee
Electronic Communications Commission
Commission for Information Systems Security
Commission for AML and Compliance
Commission for Frauds
Commission for IReF

A key association
in Slovakia’s financial

We are a voluntary association of legal entities operating primarily in the field of banking. Our Association seeks to protect our members’ interests and support their activities.

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